Saturday, 21 February 2009

Tell me ....Whats your Story ?

I have spent an entire afternoon out in the street with my camera, after a turorial on street photography I was told if you hand around long enough you become invisble, even when your right up in front of your subject, I found it hard to believe, but its true...nobody got mad at me, I used my 18-250 mm lens, and spent 3 hours wandering, sitting and heres the first one !


Rune Eide said...

You have caught a real character here - with obviously a story to tell.

PS I don't want to be a spoil-sport, but are one allowed to post pictures like this without the subjects consent?

Ann said...

Yep all cleared with no prob.

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Wow, great picture. He probably has a lot of stories to tell. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

BlouKous said...

If he does agree to tell his story I'm sure it could only be great. Lovely shot, but also LOVE your nightshot

Its Time to Live said...

Great Image. This looks like a person who has lived history instead of being taught history.

Karin said...

I love this shot - you absolutely captured what has to be a great character.

Unknown said...

i used to look through the viewer of the camera ,pointing a little to the left or right of my subject, when they look at me , i point more away of him ,the when is not looking at me , i take the shot,always looking with my camera,(kinda pathetic,but it works!)

Shutterspy said...

Wow! Good photo!

I become far too nervous when I try to take photos around people, even if I'm not actually taking photos of them!