Tuesday, 10 February 2009

February Floods.

Yep the snow melted, the rain started and now we have burst river banks and flooded fields, whats next I wonder ?
(click on image, I think it looks better viewed large)


Troy Shorter said...

Ann, this is extroadinary, usually the phrase is: 'You have such a way with words' but i'm chaing it: 'you have such a way with photographs.' I love the sky, it looks electric, not quite electric but you know what i mean, this is a truly amazing picture, where is it?

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Wow, thats a lot of water. You don't really realise how much before you view the picture in large format. Send some our way cause this part of South Africa is going through a very dry spell and need rain badly

Unknown said...

Beautiful and very reflective......

Unknown said...

Beautiful tones,melancolic...

Karin said...

Yes, Troy said it - you certainly have a way with photographs! I love everything about this shot - the blue in the sky, the reflection in the water, the bare trees - beautiful!!

Rune Eide said...

Here you have captured the weather, th flood, the countryside and the unspoken question: What do we do about i?